Sunday, December 23, 2012

EU publication: State aid to banks 2008-2011 : 1616 bn Euro

(source:, Dec 21st 2012)

[update Dec 28th 2012]
(source:, h/t: @blicklog)(read:  3.1, page 9)

Here is some analysis (in German) of @blicklog on the subject:
(, Dec 27th 2012)

Announcement: There is yet another blog section available now

Dear reader,

you can also visit the new video section of this blog with lots of insights regarding the euro crisis starting from 2011.

Many countries EU countries covered, many interviews, insights from active & former political leaders, economists, citizens & business leaders.

Link to new section will be available: Jan 6th:

Video & audio (multiple languages) 
(beta + some more will be added during next couple of weeks)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Deutsche Bundesbank joins Twitter and starts tweeting

Dear reader,

the German central bank - Deutsche Bundesbank - joined Twitter some month ago, but so far this Twitter handle remained silent.

Apparently on December 12th 2012 they started to tweet.
Their initial two tweets explained in English and German what they intend to tweet in future.

Here is the English version: Press notice: Bundesbank on Twitter (, Dec 12th 2012)

Monday, December 10, 2012

The crisis 2010 - 2012 from Angela Merkel's perspective

This is another documentary showing the events starting Spring 2010 when Greece's PM Papandreou asked for help. All events told from the German perspective.

Interviews with: Ottmar Issing (fmr BuBa), Wolfgang Schäuble, Peer Steinbrück (SPD), Andrew Bosomworth (Pimco), Nikos Dimou (Greece), Jörg Asmussen (ECB), Jens Weidmann (BuBa), Peter Gauweiler (CSU), Michael Fuchs (CDU), A. Tsipras (Syriza,Greece)

Video featuring: A. Merkel, G. Papandreou, N. Sarkozy, M. Monti, A. Samaras

Was macht Merkel (public TV:ARD,Videostream, German language, 45minutes)

EU to accuse several banks over Euribor manipulation - WSJ

EU to accuse several banks over Euribor manipulation - WSJ (Reuters, Dec 10th 2012)
Banking Industry Squirms Over European Rate Probe (WSJ, Dec 10th 2012)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Positions of the Bundesbank

Bundesbankpräsident:"Ich muss nicht von allen geliebt werden"  (Die Welt, Dec 9th 2012)
(President of Bundesbank: "I don't have to be loved by all")                  -  Interview -

Interview mit Jens Weidmann: "Wir sind nicht Ausputzer für Politikerversagen" ( Dec 27th 2012)

Financial Stability Review 2012 (Bundesbank, Nov 14th 2012)
Macroprudential supervision in Germany is given a legal basis – Bundesbank takes on key functions
(Bundesbank, Oct 25th 2012)

Germany and the euro crisis: Slow, but popular (The Economist,Dec 8th 2012)

related positions:
Banking union and ambiguity: Dare to go further  (S. Eijffinger & R.Nijskens,, Nov 23rd 2012)

some other statements
Statements of central bankers (Coere, Stark, Knot, Draghi, Wellink ... EZR compilation)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Euro crisis timeline

(prepared by Christophe Gouardo in cooperation with Jean Pisani-Ferry of

The director of Bruegel on Twitter: